Let's discover Yesss Life together!

Respect, listen, live. Every gesture matters, every person matters.

Yesss Life is founded on simple but powerful principles that promote mutual respect, kindness and care for the environment. It is a way of life that calls for treating others with courtesy, listening before speaking, and living with respect for common rules and shared spaces.

With everyday gestures, such as helping those in need, keeping promises and protecting the planet, we can make a difference. Yesss Life celebrates diversity as an asset and calls for cultivating tolerance and patience to build a more united and harmonious community.

We say “yes” to a life that values each person and the world around us.

Follow the Yesss Life principles!

These are simple yet fundamental principles, which improve the quality of life for everyone.
    1. Respect others. Treat people with kindness and respect, regardless of their opinions, culture, or origins.
    2. Do not do to others what you wouldn’t want done to you. Follow the golden rule: Avoid any behaviour that you would consider offensive or harmful for yourself.
    3. Listen before you speak. Allow others time to express themselves without interrupting, showing empathy and respect.
    4. Respect the common rules. Observe shared laws and rules, such as respecting traffic signs, queues, and the rules of civilized living.
    5. Respect the common spaces. Use public property such as parks, transport, and sidewalks properly and respectfully.
    6. Don’t litter and protect the environment. Avoid littering the streets, save resources and commit to preserving the planet for future generations.
    7. Help those in need. Be ready to offer your help, whether through small gestures (such as giving your seat to an elderly person) or large ones.
    8. Be on time and keep your promises. Respect other people’s time and keep the commitments you have made.
    9. Use respectful language. Avoid insults, aggressive tones or unnecessary controversy. Calm communication helps resolve conflicts.
    10. Cultivate tolerance and patience. Accept differences and be patient with others’ imperfections. Diversity is an asset, not an obstacle.

This web series celebrates the extraordinary people and stories of the Pelagian Islands.
It is a journey to discover the past, present and future of Lampedusa and Linosa through the eyes of those who live and love them.